
WOD 060415
Skill Snatch or Single Arm Swing Then, 10 rounds of 1min on/1min off Rowing
WOD 060315
See! The snatch IS functional! Strength/Skill 8×3 Snatch Pulls MetCon EMOM Ring Rows Hand Release Pushups
WOD 060215
The Whiteboards are waiting for you and your transformation! MetCon 5rds of 2min on/2min off of: 20 calories on the rower Max reps pullups
Free Shirt…?
Hey! Free tshirt with my membership?! You’re not ok with par for the course. You’re not ok missing out on activities with the family. Heck,
WOD 060115
The schedule is set, the doors are open, let the life changing commence! Strength/Skill 10 OH Squats @ BW then, MetCon “Nancy” 5 RFT of:
Free, baby! Free!
Baby? I meant Bootcamp. FREE Bootcamp?! Bring up that butt! Flatten them abs! This is your fast track to opening up that world of looking
Squats on squats on squats…
New Equipment Equipment is out! Things are shiny and new. Test drive, perhaps? Don’t forget: we open one week from today (June 1st). Founding Member
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy…
Worried you won’t make it in on time for the Founding Members package? Go to our homepage ( Click “Sign Up Now” Fill in your