Chipper Time! MetCon/Cardio For Time 20 C2B 500m Row 30 Pushup 500m Row 40 Situp 500m Row 50 ASQ 500m Row *Row = 2:30 *C2B
Intervals=speed and stamina! Suns out guns out today! Cardio 90sec on/90sec off x 5 15/11 AAB ME Box Ring Row *Score = total #
Because GAINZ! Strength AMRAP 12 ME Strict Pullup ME Strict RDip 35 DUs *1min rest after DUs *Score = total reps b/n pullup and dip
Benchmark DAY! MetCon “Christine” 3 RFT 500m Row 12 DL (BW) 21 BoxJ (24/20) *2:30, 1:30, 1:30 Optional BuyOut “Show & Go”
Don’t Call It A Comeback [to Training]
Don’t Call It A Comeback [to Training] Let’s face it, we’ve all taken some time off of training before. Purposely. Or maybe not so much.
All the Kettlebell things! Strength/MetCon 4 RFT 5x 2-Bell Swing 5x 2-Bell Clean 5x 2-Bell PPress 5x 2-Bell FSQ 5x 2-Bell Thruster 1min Rest *2min
Partner Day! MetCon/Cardio 3 RFT 50/35 Cal Row 40 V-Ups 30 Down Ups *Partner 1 can only work on one part while the other partner
Posted by 8PM! WIN 🙂 Cardio “Nancy” 5 RFT 400m Run 15 OHS (95/65) *2:30, 1min Optional BuyOut “Roped”