Code of Conduct
Refrain from making inappropriate jokes or jokes which put someone else down.
If you feel someone has crossed this line, please talk to a coach and they will bring it to the General Manager to address. If a coach has crossed this line, please contact the General Manager directly to be addressed.
Inappropriate, or forced, touching will not be tolerated. Even as coaches we understand people learn in different ways (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). If you are a kinesthetic learner, we will ask you if it is ok to make physical adjustments to your positioning if it calls for it.
For example: if we need to put your shoulders in a better postural position during a deadlift session.
Preservation of Equipment
The following rules are for the preservation of our equipment:
- When loading a barbell, please switch to larger plates rather than lots of small plates.
Ex: use a 45# plate instead of 4x 10# plates and a 5# plate - Do not drop a barbell with LESS THAN 15# plates on either side. The 10# plates will taco and snap
- Along the same lines, please do not drop an empty barbell
- Dumbbells and Kettlebells are not meant to be dropped
The only exception to this rule is if you, or a training partner, are in danger by hanging on to the weight. In that case, yes, drop the DB or the KB
Each of these rules will go a long way to improving the longevity of our equipment.
Class Etiquette
The following requests are meant to improve the class experience for you and for our coaches:
- Please Reserve
We understand last minute things happen but knowing who is attending class allows us [as coaches] to better plan out who, what, where, when, and how we are doing things for you - Being Late
Again, we understand things happen which cannot be planned for. However, when possible, please arrive to class [at least] on time if not a few minutes early
This ensures everyone hears the appropriate instructions and explanations so nothing is taken away from the class time itself. It allows us [as coaches] to better honor your time - Finishing the WoD First
If you finish the workout ahead of everyone else, please refrain from putting your equipment away until everyone is finished. It becomes distracting and/or discouraging for any athletes still working while others are putting their equipment away
Stick around and support each other. This is one of the reasons why CrossFit, and you, are amazing - New Members
As our new clients graduate their OnRamps, they are nervous to enter the class environment (think back to when you joined). Take a second, introduce yourself, and help them if they have questions - WoD Briefing
Please refrain from idle chit chat
This helps everyone hear workout, safety concerns, and logistical instructions - Lifting Etiquette
This one is a bit lesser known but when someone is about to lift (a clean & jerk, for example), please pause so as to not walk in front of them as they are lifting
Please be mindful of your personal hygiene. Wear deodorant, don’t put on too much cologne or perfume, and shower.