CrossFit Programming – Week of Feb 10th, 2020

CrossFit Programming – Week of Feb 10th



REMINDER:  Only BROWN Levels shown



Back Squats

18 minutes
5, 5, 5, 5
Rest at least 2:00

“Low Latency”

3 Rounds For Time
50 Air Squats
45 Anchored Situps 

Partner OPTION
50 Sync Air Squats
50 Partner Wb Situp 20/14



“Air Traffic Controller”

For Time
21 CTB Pullups
120 Doubleunders
15 CTB Pullups
80 Doubleunders
9 CTB Pullups
40 Doubleunders



“Solar Flare”

For Total Work Time
30/25 Cal Row
10 Thrusters 135/95

Rest 2:00-4:00

30/25 Cal Row
20 Thrusters 95/65

Rest 2:00-4:00

30/25 Cal Row
30 Thrusters 75/55

Rest 2:00-4:00

30/25 Cal Row
40 Thruster 45/35




AMRAP 3 x 5
3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats

Rest 1:00



Power Clean

15 minutes
Build to a Heavy 1

“Law of Surprise”

For Time

Rest 5:00

Repeat 1x



“Grape Jelly”

20 min AMRAP
20 Single-arm Db S2OH 50/35 (10ea side)
600m Bike
20 WtD Box Stepups 50/35 Db
600m Bike



Your Snatch and Clean & Jerk Weightlifting Clinics are coming up!  Don’t forget to get yourself signed up HERE.

FYI:  The Snatch Clinic is SOLD OUT!  Don’t miss out on your chance at the Clean & Jerk Clinic!

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