Jillian is constantly looking forward to the next challenge before her.
Challenge WOD 3
“The Wave”
15 Box Jumps
15 DL (135/95)
15 WB (20/14)
15 DL
15 Box Jumps
1 min rest
Optional Buy Out
“Gymnasty v2”
3-4 Rounds
20 sec Ring Support Hold
20 sec Hollow Body Hold
40 Sec Handstand Hold using the wall (scale to hardstyle plank)
*This is light weight and it is fast. We are assisting hypertrophy and lipolysis with the help of the deadlift and the wallball.
*The one minute rest is not enough time to recover but helps keep the level of intensity high. It is also reminiscent of the “stop and go” required in fun activities: basketball, football, skiing, waterskiing, etc.