Ever wondered how to get stronger legs? We’ve got the answer.
In the fitness world, the focus often used to be placed on the upper body: pecs, delts, biceps, triceps, lats. In fact, people used to make jokes about “skipping leg day.”
But this is a mistake.
Leg strength is incredibly important in daily life, at work, and in sports. And, of course, many people desire toned leg muscles, including glutes, for the aesthetic value. Regardless of why you want strong legs, we can help you earn them.
To get stronger legs, you need to train them properly. This means not skipping leg day. When left on their own, many people don’t have a precise plan. They end up missing training days, training some parts too often and others too little, lifting with poor technique, and doing the wrong exercises. This includes less than effective sets, reps, and loading.
We solve all those problems by telling you exactly what to do to accomplish your personal goals. We give you a precise plan, and we coach you to perform movements properly, so you optimize your results.
For Example:
A football player who wants huge leg strength might work up to 1 set of 5 heavy deadlifts once a week. Someone who wants to look better in short shorts might do 3-4 glute-specific exercises in 3 sets of 8-12 reps with limited rest time.
If you’re on your own, you’ll need to determine the right movements, sets, reps, loads, and rest times for your goals. That can be complicated but we’ll give you a few general rules of thumb:
- To build raw strength
- Use 3-5 sets
- 1-5 reps per set
- 3-5min rest after each set
- To add muscle [which will help increase strength]
- Use 3-4 sets
- 6-12 reps per set
- 60-90sec rest after each set
- To improve muscular endurance [and build a bit of strength]
- Use 2-3 sets
- 12-20 reps per set
- 30sec rest after each set
As for exercises, you have a huge variety available to you. You can select these according to your goals, your preferences, and the equipment available to you.
Here’s a quick tip many people need…
To build leg strength, heavier loads are required. As you can see above, you build muscular endurance with sets of about 20 reps and you’ll have to use lighter loads. You’ll build a little strength with that formula too, but it’s best for improving muscular endurance.
To focus more on strength, perform fewer reps with loads which challenge you. In some cases, that might require equipment you don’t have.
For Example:
A strong person might require a barbell and 200lbs of weight or more for optimal strength training. And they definitely want to make sure they’re lifting with great form.
We have all the equipment and expertise to help with that!
The General Summary
To get stronger legs, train them regularly with heavy loads. The exact plan will vary according to your goals and your fitness level.
If you have questions about exactly how to build leg strength, or you want to talk about how a coach can help you become stronger fast, contact us HERE.
Otherwise, comment below with your leg day work!