Thanks to everyone who came out to the IHCF second ever Stink N Drink! We even had a couple of friends from CrossFit Elkhorn stop out!
We had lots of people come out to the Drink part of the Stink N Drink and a bunch of brave souls made it out to the back squats yesterday.
All in all, it was a lot of squatting, and a lot of fun!
Matter of fact, we lifted 158,000 pounds of combined weight yesterday. Not too bad for a 2000sqft box, huh?
Way to go IHCF Family!
5 RFT of:
10 V-Ups
10 MB Cleans (20/14)
10 DB Thrusters (50/30)
Gotta admit: a pretty late night led to a rough WOD this morning, huh?