CrossFit Programming – Week of December 23rd, 2019

🚨Programming for Week of December 23rd🚨



✔️Reminder: This is BROWN levels only

✔️The #800gChallenge is going strong and even those of you who are not participating, you can still up your fruits and veggies! Who doesn’t want to be healthier and reap the benefits of such?!


8 Rounds For
Total Time
8 Power Cleans
12 Reverse Step
Lunges 115/75
40 Doubleunders
1:00 Rest


🧨“Rolling Thunder”
1:00 Strict Pullups
30 sec Rest
1:00 Rowing
30 sec Rest
1:00 Abmat Situps
30 sec Rest
1:00 Airbike/Ski
or Box Stepups
30 sec Rest
🧨Lower Body Accessory
3 Rounds For Quality
10 Clamshells (ea/s)
30 sec Archbody
10 Banded Hip
30 sec Archbody


🧨Today is a rest day. Enjoy your time with your family and friends!


🧨“Drop Shot”
For Time
Deadlift 275/185
Box Jumps 30/24
🧨Core Finisher
4 Rounds For
8 Single-leg V-up alt.
30 sec Flutter Kicks
10 Kb Deadbugs
30 sec Hollow


🧨Pendlay Row
12 minutes
Build to a Heavy
5 Reps
🧨“Mud Slide”
20 min AMRAP“Hard Boiled” (20)
3 Bar MU
9 Burpees over Kb
12 KB Snatch 53/35
15 Wallballs 20/14


🧨12 minutes
Build to Heavy
2 Front Squat
🧨“Hard Boiled”
6 Rounds For Time (Alt Movements)
10 Squat Cleans
20 Pushups
400m Run

✔️Coming up to the end of the decade! If you have not planned the start of your 2020, we can help you do that with a Athlete Check In! Reach out to schedule that TODAY!

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