CrossFit Workouts – Week of February 19th, 2024

Strength – EMOM x 10min
3 Bench Press @ 67.5% of Heavy Single


“Brandon Lake”
4 Sets – AMRAP 3
500m/400m Row
Max Bar Muscle Ups OR Burpee Pullups
-1min rest between sets-

Strength – EMOM x 10min
5 Power Clean & Jerks


“Tear Off The Roof”
5 Rounds for Time (RFT)
10 Shuttle Runs*
15/12 Calorie Air Bike
10 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead (50s/35s)

*1 shuttle run = 25′ down and 25′ back

Strength – EMOM x 10min
3 Back Squats @ 67.5% of Heavy Single


“Count ‘Em”
14 Alternating DB Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35)
12 Burpees Over DB
10 Toes to Bar

Strength – EMOM x 10min
3 Deadlifts @ 67.5% of Heavy Single


“Flight Simulator”
For Time — 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5
Unbroken Double Unders

*These DUBs are unbroken which means if you trip at 49 of the 50, start the 50 over at 1

“Open Workout 15.5”
27-21-15-9 For Time
Calorie Row
Thrusters (95/65)

Saturday – Partner WoD

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