Strength – E2MOM x 5 Rounds
5 Bench Press @ 70% of 1RM
“You can’t have Thanksgiving without Turkey”
For Time
104 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
52 Pullups
Strength – Build to Heavy Complex
2 Front Squats + Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
“Cider’s mulling, turkey’s turkeying, yams are yamming”
3 Power Cleans (185/125)
5 Box Jumps (30/24)
Strength – E2:30 x 5 Sets
3 Snatch Deadlifts + 2 Power Snatches
“I’m going take a nap. Turkey makes me sleepy”
For Time
10 Thrusters (135/95)
100 Double Unders
8 Thrusters (135/95)
80 Double Unders
6 Thrusters (135/95)
60 Double Unders
4 Thrusters (135/95)
40 Double Unders
2 Thrusters (135/95)
20 Double Unders
“Burn the Bird 2023”
Teams of 2 For Time
Accumulate 400/350 Calories on the Bike
100 Kettlebell Swings
80 Thrusters
60 Burpees
40 Deadlifts
20 Leg Blasters
* 1 partner works calories while other works
* Split reps how you both see fit
Saturday – Partner WoD
“They’ve ruined Cranberry Day”
4 Rounds [Each] for Time
60 DB Box Step Ups (50s/35s) on 24/20 Box
30 Synchro Alternating DB Hang Snatch (50/35)
-3min rest after each set-