CrossFit Workouts – Week of October 30th, 2023

Strength – EMOM x 10 Rounds
2 Squat Clean + Jerks @ 60-70% of 1RM


“I am the pumpkin king”
DB Front Squats (50s/35s)
8 Ring Pushups OR DB Pushups

“Trick or Treat”
6 Rounds for Time (RFT)
10 Toes to Bar
5ea KB Hang Snatch (53/35)
40 Double Unders

“Let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose”
3 Sets Each For Time
400m Run
500m/450m Row
25 Burpee Variation*
-3min rest after each set-

*Set 1: Burpee Broad Jumps (4ft/3ft)
*Set 2: Burpees Over Line (Line Facing)
*Set 3: Burpees to 6″ Target

Strength – Back Squat
4RM Back Squat
-1min rest-
2-4 Reps at 85-90% of 4RM
-1min rest-
2-4 Reps at 80-85% of 4RM


“There’s only 365 days left until next Halloween”
AMRAP 16 – Teams of 3
Partner 1:
10 Deadlifts (185/125)
Partner 2:
10 Pullups
Partner 3:
Calorie Assault Bike

Strength – Strict Press
4RM Strict Press
-1min rest-
2-4 Reps at 85-90% of 4RM
-1min rest-
2-4 Reps at 80-85% of 4RM


“I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost”
2 Sets – 5min Cap/Set
10 x 50ft Shuttle Run
-into AMRAP of-
5 Box Jumps (30/24)
5 Strict Handstand Pushups
15 Air Squats

Saturday – Partner WoD
“It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus”
AMRAP 30 – Teams of 2
300ft Sandbag Carry OR DB Farmer’s Carry
50/40 Calorie Row
300ft Synchro Walking Lunges

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