Oh, heavy day – 151007

Greg’s hitting his back squat PR!  He had some more in the tank too, from the looks of things (and yes, I have to work on my timing for picture taking…).


Don’t forget about the bonfire this Friday at Vala’s!  We have lots of people bringing lots of different things and you won’t want to miss out on the yumminess…

…is that a real word?


Also, I apologize for the delay in the tank tops.  We’ve been having all kinds of hang ups but they should be getting here sooner rather than later (hopefully).  I know, I know:  just in time for colder weather but hey, we’re getting them in there and you always sweat when you train, right?


I also want you guys to know that I’ve put together and named some WOD’s for our mentors and supporters in the creation of this whole thing.  Be on the lookout as we say “thank you” in “beating you up” format!


On to the heavy, heavy day!



E2MOM for 20min

2 C+J @ 80% (or heavy)



EMOM for 10min

Heavy Pullups


It’s a heavy kind of day.  Here we go getting strong again…

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