Big Butt – 151114

A little bit of post lunge mobility work.  That’s the time to work on flexibility, for sure!


The heat has been tested.

The heat works.

We are ready for the snow and the winter.

Bring it on!


On an aside, if you have decided on that goal, you might make it a point to spend a few minutes BEFORE or AFTER class working on it as long as it doesn’t interfere with what we’ve got going on.

For instance, we’ve got athletes working on pull-ups post workout, pushups post workout, mobility/flexibility prior to class starting and us working on it in class.  Spend a little time dedicated to your goal!

Let’s have some fun!



Rope Climbs




Find a 10RM (each leg)

Barbell Reverse Lunge


It’s gonna be a spicy one on the butt today!

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