Boulder Shoulders – 150813

#TBT to one of the first days we were open and doing some presses!


How do you keep yourself mobile during the day if you sit all day long?

Well, let’s follow the KISS principle again:  every 30 minutes or so, get up and move around a little bit.

Go fill up your bottle of water

Take a quick lap around the office (sure, people will probably look at you funny)

Hit the bathroom (only if need be, I guess.  No sense in going to the bathroom if you don’t have to go.  Not even to sit in there and get caught up on your words with friends)

Do a few squats.  Yes, I said do a few squats at your office.  So what.  Wanna fight about it?  🙂

Practice your brace/set/hollow body position

Go antagonize a work friend.  Well, maybe…

In general, don’t sit for exceptionally long periods of time.  I realize that an office job lends itself to doing that, getting caught up in work, and before you realize it having 2 or 4 hours go by while you’re getting something going.

BUT (and that’s a big BUT), every once in a while, get up and move around.  Even if for only a minute.  Your joints, your posture, and your body in general will thank you!



10min to work up to a  2RM Strict Press



Strict Presses (75/55)

Calorie Row


*0:00 – 3:00:  10 reps of each

**3:00 – 6:00:  13 reps of each

***6:00 – 9:00:  16 reps of each

****so on and so forth until you cannot get the work done in the allotted 3 minute window


Who says you can’t do a little bit of math during your training?!

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