CrossFit WOD – 160606

Thanks to everyone who decided to come out and try Iron Hero CrossFit during our Free Week!


It was great to meet you and to show you a bit about what we do here, who we are, and the awesome people that are a part of this family and community!


Strength/Skill (both the Strength/Skill & MetCon were completed last on 3/1/16)

E2MOM x 10

5 Deadlifts


*Find a starting weight, add 5-10# each set until you reach a heavy set of 5.  Maintain that weight for the remaining sets




10 Deadlifts (205/145)

10 Burpees


*5min Cap


Back to our regularly scheduled programming.  If you missed out on Free Week, do not fret.  Keep an eye on the Iron Hero CrossFit as it may show up again…

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