In traditional CrossFit fashion: being prepared for the unknown and the unknowable. In this case, will it rain or will it not? Where will we be for Free Bootcamp?
Make sure you keep an eye out for any updates [on Facebook] for whether or not we’ll be at Burke High School Football Field or at IHCF.
What’s going to dictate the location?
The rain. Looks like it’s supposed to rain (or at least that’s what people tell me).
For Time
10-8-6-4-2 Snatches*
200m Run
*Snatch Weights = 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95, 155/110
*12min Cap
Keep an eye out for the weather and any updates on bootcamp tomorrow. If it rains, we’ll be at IHCF. If it doesn’t, we’ll be out at Burke!