CrossFit WOD 171216

Throw back to Chris holding his white elephant gift. 

***Reminder no 10AM class today. ****Holiday WOD starting at 8AM.


12 Days Of Christmas

  1. Rope Climb (15’)
  2. DB Squat (35/25)
  3. DB Hang P CL (35/25)
  4. C2B Pull ups
  5. Burpees
  6. Am Swings (24/16)
  7. DB Thrusters (35/25)
  8. T2B
  9. Box Jumps (24/20)
  10. V-ups
  11. DB PC (35/25)
  12. Each Goblet Lunge (24/16)


8 am Holiday Wod followed by 11am Holiday Party.

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