CrossFit WOD- 181130

When did you last look back to see how far you’ve come? Here Jenn and Lisa are knocking out a wod at the prior location.



Squat Clean (135/95)
Ring Dip


Optional Buy Out
“The Pump”

1-4 Sets
10 Reps each in a Giant Set**

DB Bent Over Row
DB Bicep Curls
DB Alternating Strict Press

**Do not set the DBs down til you finish all reps of all movements
*Pick Weight accordingly.


*”Elizabeth” is another benchmark WOD and a short one, at that. Or at least it should be if scaled appropriately.

*Since we are adding squats to it, under moderate load, your trunk and your legs will be placed under enough stress to become stronger (maybe some hypertrophy, also).

*The demand of ring dips will help your nervous system learn shoulder stability, functional range of motion, and upper body pushing strength and hypertrophy.

*Think HIIT. Hypertrophy and lipolysis.


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