FREE Labor Day WOD!

Get your Labor Day started right!


Get on out here to Iron Hero CrossFit @ 9am!

For people who are not members here:  come on out and enjoy a FREE workout!

For people who are Athlete/Members here:  come on out for a FREE workout and consider it an extra (on us)


We will be working out with our friends and families before we go eat a bunch of food and [probably] drink some stuff that we might only drink when it’s the weekend…

…yes, I do it too… sometimes…


Also, coming up on September 17th and 18th are our Guest Days!

This means that for the entire class day at Iron Hero CrossFit, people who want to try CrossFit can come out and try it any class time on either one of those days (Thursday or Friday)!

We prefer advanced notice (email us at [email protected]), but if you decide [day of] that you are in, just show up and we’ll have things all ready for you.


See you all soon!



For time:


3000m Row

100 Total Pushups

150 Total Ring Rows

200 Total Air Squats

400m Farmer’s Carry (b/n you and your partner with heavy dumbbells or kettlebells)


Happy Labor Day!  Now, get out, eat food, and spend time with your friends and family!

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