You hear it but do you get it…?

What does community mean?  Everyone in CrossFit talks about it, brags about it, and stands by it.  What does community mean?


In my opinion:  it boils down to being a human being.  Even the newest CrossFit commercials refer to “[being] more human.”

Being human is having common ground with people and developing relationships.  It’s knowing I will take care of you, and I have confidence that you will take care of me.  Now, where does the CrossFit community fit into all of this?

Community, in this context, means “I get it;” “I get what you are going through;” “I get that you’re struggling right now.”  Struggling, mind you, not just in a workout and in competition, but in life.  We have all found a workout we finish last in.  That’s the reason why we cheer people on who finish last.  As a matter of fact, they are cheered on harder and louder than the person who finishes first.  It’s not because “hey, it’s just what we do here and everyone else is doing it.”  It’s because “hey, I understand what you’re feeling and right now, I’m going to try my best to help you out.”

And it’s certainly not a mistake.  It’s because we know what they are going through.  We know they are struggling and that they need the support of the people around them who get it.  More than that, we all understand the struggles that bare a massive load on our shoulders and come from our work, our relationships, or whatever else requires the support of the people around us who “get it.”  This could be a complete stranger yet we feel for them.  It’s not a mistake.

Anybody who has been a Marine knows something about this stranger who has also been a Marine.  They know what they’ve gone through and the challenges they faced to get there.  And this is the same whether it be in the military, law enforcement, or as a teacher.  We get it.


Iron Hero CrossFit is built on this principle:  we are working to reinforce the relationships between human beings.  The relationships that build confidence, build respect, and [damn it] change people’s lives!  We change people’s body’s, sure.  But making something longer lasting and more fulfilling comes from when that change happens around other people who understand that change and share in it.

This community is what makes people successful.  Success is found more easily with the support of people who get it.  It can be done without but it’s a whole hell of a lot easier with.  We understand that and we’re rooting for you!


If you’ve ever wondered, now you know.

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