Some Grand Opening rowing courtesy of Jon, Jen, and Stephanie! There were no intervals on this day…
In this type of workout where the lungs will be on fire, it’s important to use a little bit of the mind…
…Do the thrusters in chunks (mentally) and try to hang onto the bar the whole time.
…Do the thrusters in chunks (actually) and be very regimented with your sets/reps to get to 15.
…Consistency is going to be key in this particular workout.
Or you could do what I’d do [I never claimed to be terribly bright] which is just go until you cannot go anymore, rest, and jump back into it. See, I told you I didn’t have the brightest approach to this type of a workout.
That being said, the only real takeaway you need and need to keep in mind is consistency. Consistency in work/rest times, consistency with regard to the clock (being done with a round in such and such a time), consistency in going all out. Any of those will work, but consistency is necessary.
3 RFT:
10 Calorie Row
15 Thrusters (95/65)
20 T2B
*2min rest between rounds/intervals
*20min cutoff
*Score is total time
IHCF Family: if you haven’t RSVP’d, yet, for the Stink & Drink @ Cilantro’s this Friday, hop onto Zen Planner and signup for it. See you there!