It’s complex… – 150820

“Isabel” visited us a while back.  She may make another appearance in the future.  When?  I guess I’m not sure…  (and for the record, the bar path hasn’t finished for Jen in this picture, yet)


We are going to be spending time on the pull today.  Why?  The pull is an easy place for the lifts (snatch & clean) to go awry.

Position is important above all else and making sure your pull is good is part of that, so…

…step by step moving through each element of the pull in this complex

…then slow motion moving through each element of the pull in this complex

…then speeding up as you move through each element of the pull in this complex

Before you know it, your pull will be rock solid and you can rest assured that the weight you can safely and successfully lift will increase also.



E2MOM for 6 rounds

2 Snatch Pulls

1 Snatch

*Progressive in weight up to heavy/max




3 RFT:

10 Snatches (95/65)

200m Shuttle Run (50m turnaround)

*9min cutoff


“Man, I’m going to be tired of performing snatches.”

-Said no one ever 🙂

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