Programming for the Week (10/21 to 10/26)

????Programming for Oct 21st to Oct 26th????

????We are well into the CFG Open, here. For those of you registered and competing with it, continue to have fun with it! This is a time for growth and fun!
For Quailty & Load
5 WTd Pullups
10 sec transition
10 Thrusters
1:40 Rest
x 5
Each set
increase thruster and pullup weight
⚡️Core Finisher
4 Rounds For Quality
5 Jefferson Curls
10 Banded Wood
30 sec Russian
Rest 30 sec
⚡️Hang Power Clean
12 minutes
Build to heavy Single
⚡️“The Barrens”
12 min AMRAP
9 Power Cleans
9 Toes to bar
Every 2:00 =
100m Shuttle Run
⚡️Overhead Squats
15 minutes
4, 3, 2, 1
⚡️“Stop, Drop, Roll”
Overhead Squat
Burpee Over Bar
Wallball 20/14
⚡️“Science Camp”
For Time
80/65 Cal Row
50 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Kb Snatch 53/35
(25 ea/s)
200 Doubleunders
50 Russian KbS
50 Box Stepups
800m Run
⚡️“CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.3”
⚡️Core Finisher
4 Rounds For Quality
5-10 Strict TtB
AMRAP Wtd Plank
Rest 1:00
⚡️Strict Press
4, 3, 2, 1 Building
⚡️“Kuiper Belt”
15 min AMRAP
9 CtB Pullups
12 Push Press 95/65
15 Back Squats
400m Run

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