????Programming for Oct 7th to Oct 12th????
⚡️“Shock Absorber”
For time
30 Squat Clean 95/65
30 Burpee Over Bar
60 Box Jumps
30 Burpee Over Bar
30 Squat Clean 95/65
⚡️Strict Press
12 Minutes
Build to a Heavy 1
In at least 4 attempts
⚡️“Cell Tower”
4 sets For Quality
8 Db Press
30 sec Plank w/weight
8 Strict Pullups
12 TtB
Rest 1:00
⚡️“Golden Goose”
For Total Work Time
On 3 minute mark
A) 500m row or
40 Cal Airbike or Ski
B) 400m run
C) 40 Wallballs 20/14
x 3
⚡️Power Clean
15 minutes
Build to a Heavy 1
⚡️“Captain Crunch”
12 min AMRAP
2 Rope Climb
10 Hang Power
Clean 155/105
25 Air Squats
⚡️CrossFit Games Open WOD 20.1
⚡️Front Squats
8, 5, 3, 1 Building
⚡️“Santa Monica Blvd”
14 min AMRAP
14 Front Squats
200m Run
7 Bar Muscleups
200m Run
????This Programming is Overall BROWN????