Quitter’s Day & How To Avoid It

Quitter’s Day & How To Avoid It



What is Quitter’s Day?  Well, Quitter’s Day is January 19th.

With New Year’s Resolutions in full swing, it’s the day where most people have quit what they’ve set out to do with the rolling in of the new year.

It hurts my heart EVERY.  SINGLE.  YEAR.

It does because I know it’s not because people don’t want it bad enough.  It’s because they need help.  They need a guide!


This Won’t Be You This Year

First of all, let’s address the fact calling it Quitter’s Day is sort of negative.


…or maybe we can look at it as something to be aware of, stay ahead of, and bust through on your way to your goals!


So, What Is The Single Best Thing You Can Do To Win?

Find a group of people to support you.  That’s it!

Seriously, that’s it!

We can get into all the nitty gritty details and make it this whole big thing BUT simple is better.  Have you ever stopped and thought about the power of a supportive group of people heading in the same direction you’re heading?

If you’ve been part of a sports team, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about!



I might be biased in finding a CrossFit gym to call home and so that’s what I’ll speak to:

  1. Ask your friends.  If they do CrossFit, maybe their gym is a good first step in getting into this thing.
  2. Search your prospective CrossFit gym’s social media for people you aspire to be like.  That might shed some light into the type of CrossFit gym you’re looking into.
  3. Ask for help.  This is hard but it is genuinely the most important step.
    • If you realize you can’t do it alone, that’s ok!  Everybody, and I mean everybody, needs help in something, somewhere, sometime in their lives.
    • Reach out to them and tell them you need help.  They would be ecstatic to help you!  I know I would.


Take Action

Get up.

Find a CrossFit gym.

Reach out to them and avoid Quitter’s Day.

This year is going to be YOUR year!



PS.  Want to dive right in?  CLICK HERE to chat with one of our coaches and stay ahead of that damn Quitter’s Day.

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