Swing and booty city – 150915

Despite a struggle or two (which we’ve all got), Brian has been steadily improving and the deadlift is something to cross off the list.


What exactly are we looking for?

We’re looking to make sure the butt and the hamstrings are strong…

We’re looking to ensure the abs and shoulders stabilize together while we’re doing the swings…

We’re looking to put the power of the hips into the kettlebell rather than making it a shoulder raise…

Oh yes, making the swing look like a swing!



3 Rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds

5 Swings (32/20)

10 Swings (24/16)

15 Swings (20/12)

*Total time



Accumulate 2 total minutes in an RKC Plank


Don’t know what an RKC Plank is?  Don’t worry, we’ll discuss it cover all the finer points when you’re here.

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