Thruster City – 151111

I kept forgetting about this picture because it was in my shared pictures and not my normal photo gallery.  But here you go, world!  We’ve got a great fit family!


I have been thinking a lot about a certain issue relating to posture, shoulders, pains, etc.

A lot of this relates to how we train, how we sit or stand in a day, or how much time we do each one of those.

One thing that is neglected, however, is how we sleep.  And I don’t just mean the quality of sleep (hours, how much do you wake up, how much do you roll around, you have to get up to pee, whatever…)…

…I am speaking, specifically, on how you sleep; your posture when you sleep; are you a side, back, or front sleeper?

Now, while I could rattle off my thoughts on the whole thing (which may or may not be complete thoughts [or sentences for that matter], I thought it would be better addressed by someone who knows more than I do.

It’s also in video form, and watching something helps me understand more than just reading it.

With that in mind, here you go:  Sleeping: Neck Shoulders & Pillows | Featuring Kelly Starrett

Moral of the story?  No.  No, no, no, no, no, no stomach sleeping.  Side is acceptable and back is acceptable (keeping in mind proper support) but NO stomach sleeping.

We’ve already had a couple of people in the last couple weeks come in and say how much better their shoulders feel because they are not sleeping on their stomachs anymore.  Is that a mistake?  Heck no!

Happy sleeping, everyone!


Oh!  And thrusters today!



E2MOM for 7 Rounds

3 TNG Clean to Thrusters

*Heavy & Progressive



For Time:

30 Clean to Thrusters (135/95)


I get excited when I see pictures like the above.  We are here to support each other and that’s what yields success!

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