TNG. What does that mean? – 150807

Want to be able to get to the rock bottom of a squat?  Welp, you gotta work on it…


TNG = touch and go (touch’n’go)

What that means, and what it means for us today, is that you are going to be doing 2 snatches without letting go of the bar.  And yes, there will be squatting in the snatches.

If you’re curious as to how to progress your snatch (or your clean) and be able to catch in the squat, here’s the progression:

Power snatch – stand – then overhead squat


Power snatch – pause (don’t stand) – then overhead squat


Begin to remove the pause until eventually there is no pause whatsoever and you are catching totally and completely in the squat with your snatch and with your clean.




EMOM for 10min

2 Snatches (remember, TNG and catch in a squat)



Easy Gleason

Snatch (95/65)*



*No surprise.  Catch in a squat and TNG if it’s at all possible


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