Workout without the clock? – 150909

Nice floor presses, Sean!


Don’t forget about your chance to hone your pullup skills this Saturday, here, at Iron Hero CrossFit:  strict, kipping, and butterfly.

You’ll also get a chance to learn some accessory movements AND a simple program to get you to your first, and many more, pull-ups!

We are going to be pulling form 10:30am, this Saturday, until noon-ish…


…or whenever people get tired of doing pull-ups…


  • Grip strength helps shoulder stability and pullup strength
  • Pullup strength helps get your butt and abs integrated, if you do it that way
  • And all of those things, make your presses/pulls/most everything stronger.

Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to have some guns to show off!



5 sets on NO clock


5 Heavy Strict Presses

Max Rep Strict Pullups



5min AMRAP of:

DB Clean to Thrusters (50/30)



Let’s have a ball without the clock… for the first part, anyway.

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