Don’t forget about the Nutrition Ninja Seminar this weekend (Saturday, from 11am to 1pm)…
You’re not going to want to miss your chance to learn about preworkout nutrition, post workout nutrition, grocery shopping insight, the whats, and the whys of how to approach your eating.
While calories do play a part in things, it’s just not always that simple.
Why does a paleo diet work for some people but not for others?
Grain fed, grass fed, grass finished, organic… what?
As far as the workouts? Let’s get back to the grind and get some heavy weight lifted in preparation for the competition coming up in a couple of weeks!
E2MOM for 6 rounds
1 C+J
*Heavy and progressive
6min AMRAP
10 Calories on the Rower
10 T2B
Let’s get back to work!