A little shot of the 5:30am class, today, knocking out “Diane!”
We had a post about the mental game yesterday, and how that should actually be the 11th General Physical Skill (it’s not physical, I get it).
Well, another good point was brought up by a couple of our Athletes:
CrossFit is supposed to be tough.
CrossFit is supposed to challenge you mentally and physically.
CrossFit is supposed to feel that way when you’re in the middle of a workout.
The key to success? Mechanics, consistency, and intensity.
It’s no coincidence that those are three key principles in CrossFit, anyway. Truly, however, you need to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. It’s no mistake that the best athletes in the world can “hang out in the suck” for a long time.
For me, it’s always a struggle to fight the panic when I get to that point in a workout that it’s hard to breathe and my body is hurting (in a good way). That’s where practice comes in…
…the more times you are in that uncomfortable “suck,” the more you’re practicing how to respond to it: so, if you respond by telling yourself that this is temporary, or it’s supposed to feel this way, or it’s only a matter of time, or whatever you tell yourself, you’ll gradually be better for it.
That threshold of being comfortable with being uncomfortable grows through the margin of your experience. So go out and get some experience at it!
I’m proud of you guys!
Deadlifts (225/155)
Make sure to check back and see how you did last time you did “Diane.”
PS. Weird, saying that, I know…