Carry Me – 151001

Way to go on the rocking overhead squat, Lindsay!


The purpose to all this grip work and hanging work and carry work?

Strong grip = better shoulder/trunk stability

Muscles that run from your shoulders to your low back are needed to be able to use the butt really well (observational evidence:  ever notice that people with “good” posture have a big strong butt and someone with poor [forward shoulders] type posture is almost missing a butt altogether?).

This is no mistake…

…and remember, a big strong butt and less of a gut indicates your stress/sex hormones are in a better balance.  Also, not a bad thing…



3 RFT:

200m Suitcase Carry


10 Down-Ups



Accumulate 3min of total hang time from the pullup bar


Don’t forget IHCF Athlete’s:  next week (October 9th after our last class of the day), we are headed to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch to have a kickin’ bonfire!  Also, the week after is our Nutrition Ninja Seminar with SME Scott.  Register Here!


PS.  Scott’s nutrition seminar usually run for $120-$150.  $20 for us and friends, families, and guests.  You won’t want to miss out!

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