Open for All: Labor Day WOD

Don’t miss out…


Iron Hero CrossFit is having our Labor Day WOD on September 7th, 2015 @ 9am at our box.

Now, for all IHCF Athletes:  we will be open normal hours, anyway (unless otherwise notified), so if you cannot make the 9am [for whatever reason] we will have normal classes.

This workout is open to all IHCF Athletes and their buddies.  Invite a friend, family member, or someone you want to see get beat up in a workout…


Now, for anyone who is not already an IHCF Athlete: if you have been thinking about trying CrossFit, fear not!  We have something coming up for you a couple of weeks following our Labor Day WOD.

Be on the lookout for Guest Days on September 17th and September 18th, all day long for all classes.


See you all soon!

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