CrossFit Partner WOD – 170114

How are you planning on spending your iced in fun?  Any ideas…?


MetCon (Partner)

20min AMRAP

Part A (10min)
P1:  Ring Dip Hold @ The Top*
P2:  ME Calorie Row
P2:  Ring Dip Hold @ The Top*
P1:  ME Calorie Row


Part B (10min)
P1: BB Hold @ Top of Deadlift (185/130)
P2: ME Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
P2: BB Hold @ Top of Deadlift (185/130)
P1: ME Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

Then Back to Part A and Then Part B and Repeat for 20min

*Use band assistance if necessary
*Score is combined reps of calories on rower AND number of burpee box jumps


Let’s have some fun this weekend before the giant ice storm hits, huh?

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