CrossFit WOD – 160203

Update on Free Week…


Since we had to cancel classes yesterday (Tuesday 2/2) and it happened to fall right in the middle of our Free Week, we are going to re-open one additional day for Free Week, next week:
-Monday, Feb 8th


If you missed coming in yesterday (Tuesday, 2/2) because of snow, come on in this coming Monday for one last day of Free Week!

This doesn’t come around often, so make sure you take advantage of seeing what CrossFit is all about.


People throw around the buzzword “community” all the time.  While this is something we boast in CrossFit, it’s not something you’ll have any sense for unless you’re here.

It’s an amazing thing!



Sandbag work



3 RFT of

30 Sandbag Cleans (40/30)

30 Sandbag Front Squats (40/30)

30 Sandbag Alt Push Presses (40/30)


Bring on the sandbags!

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