CrossFit WOD – 160811

Channel that inner weightlifter, Jenn!


Don’t forget:

This weekend we have an Overhead Squat Clinic and we are going to be focusing entirely on the ankles and what role they play in good squat position/mechanics.


Your takeaway for the day will be what exercises and drills will help put you into a better position so you can squat, snatch, and clean better than you could when you came in.


IHCF Athletes?

Your spot is FREE!


It’s only $10 to be a part of this!


Come on out at noon on Saturday, August 13th, at Iron Hero CrossFit!



15-20min to find 3RM

Hang Squat Clean


*Cannot drop the bar for the weight to count



12-9-6 For Time

Hang Squat Cleans (95/65)

Ab Mat Situps


*7min Cap


Back on the wagon, again.

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