CrossFit WOD- 181116

What was once a challenge becomes easier with time, patience and practice. Look at Ashley flying onto the box during the Challenge WOD earlier this week.


Challenge WOD 4

3 Power Cleans (95/65)
6 Push ups
9 Down ups

*1min rest between
*Pick up where you left off
*Sprint: tng cleans


Optional Buy Out
“Strict Gymnastics”



*Intervals help to preserve high intesnisty and consistency. This will also give you a picture of what energy system you are least proficient in (phosphocreatine, glycolytic, and oxidative). If your numbers drop somewhere in the 3 rounds, it is a good indicator of where you should be spending more time.

*Also because these are intervals we are able to improve fat burning.

*You might have heard of HIIT and the benefits of HIIT? This is that!

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