CrossFit WOD- 181120

Not even to Thanksgiving but it looks like “Hawley”Day Bells are ringing 🙂

**Be sure to make your vote count on the Burn the Bird WOD, watch portal**



10 Double Bell Swing
10 Double Bell Clean
10 Double Bell FSQ
10 Double Bell OH
10 Double Bell FSQ
10 Double Bell Clean
10 Double Bell Swing

Rx= 20/12
*2min rest between


Optional Buy Out
“Row ’em & Rack ’em”

1-2 Rounds
20 Cal Row
30Sec 2kb front rack hold (Heavy)
100m Farmer Carry (Heavy)


*If done in an unbroken fashion, this can be a very challenging and heavy workout. As such, we are stimulating hypertrophy throughout all the skeletal muscles.

*The nature of kettlebell work (done correctly) is great for correcting posture and activating parts of the body we want to activate (hamstrings vs quads, glutes vx hip flexors, lats vs pecs, etc.).

*We are also stimulating EPOC.

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