CrossFit WOD – 181121

Focus on the task at hand and everything else will fall into place.


E2MOM x 3ea

3×5 Push Jerk
3×3 Push Press
3×1 Strict Press

*Score is weight in each (3 scores)


Optional Buy Out
“ScapJacked v2”

3 rds not for time
20 Crossover Snow Angels
10 Crossover ATYT

rest as needed



*Lifting Day!

*All of these movements require the entire body meaning we are teaching your body to stabilize and move load correctly. Think about any yard work, moving furniture, etc.

*Picking something up overhead is not unheard of for people in their daily lives and correct recruitment is vital to do these things safely.

*Due to the fact we are using the whole body, and lifting heavy, we are building strength, power, and muscle to help burn fat.

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