@ Home – 150920

Let’s cover some distance by using some lunges…


We’ve had a couple of requests for this particular workout.  It’s been a couple of months but here it is.

AAAAAND… we usually don’t do the @ Home WOD during bootcamp but today, we might make an exception.

On another note, IHCF Athlete’s:

Remember, we have our bonfire at Vala’s on October 9th after our last class of the day.  This is open to you and your family.  I will be paid for the site and you just gotta get yourselves in there!

Also, in October, we have a special speaker coming out to talk to us about nutrition (I’m pretty excited).  So any of those nutrition questions I cannot answer, keep them handy for this guy on the 17th of October!


Lastly!  I am excited to announce that we are doing a WOD in November as a fundraiser for a charity yet to be chosen (probably something dealing with the military [surprise, right?]).


Details to come!



For time:

400m of Walking Lunges


*Scale it by going to 200m instead



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