Ladder @ Home – 150816

Gettin’ some sit-ups during “Annie” a couple weeks ago!  Way to get work done, you three!


If you take Sundays off from working out, make sure you devote some time to some sort of activity OR some form of mobility/stability/corrective exercise work.

Metabolism and hormones do all kinds of whacky things when you’re sitting or lying still for extended periods of time.  It’s part of the reason that sitting at work all day is bad for you.  It’s not just a postural thing…

…Tight hips?  Spend some time in the couch stretch while watching TV (How do you do a couch stretch?).

…Stiff ankles?  Check this out (“Unglue your Sticks man”).

…You are going to take a nap?  Did you know there’s a right and wrong way to lie down? (Sleeping).

Gotta do it and gotta do it right!



8min AMRAP:



Air Squats

*1ea, 2ea, 3ea, etc. until 8 minutes is complete


Don’t be afraid to go fast on this one and enjoy!

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