Squat Everyday – 150804

Right, Sean?  Squat everyday, buddy!


How do we change the body?

We change it by what we do and what we’re telling the hormones to do.

By doing compound movements (squats, lunges, deadlifts, cleans, snatches, etc.), and doing them relatively heavy, we are telling the right muscle building and fat burning hormones to kick into gear!

By keeping things high intensity and shorter bursts (could be HIIT, could be short AMRAP’s, whatever), we elicit the same type of hormonal response from the body.

Now, since the body changes based on what the hormones are telling it to do, if you do these types of workouts and the body releases all those good hormones, you’ll get all these good types of responses.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule, but that’ll be for a different day!



5×3 Front Squats

*2min Clock

*Progressive and heavy



For Time:

30 Front Squats (95/65)

400m Run

20 Front Squats

200m Run

10 Front Squats

100m Run


*12min cutoff


Let’s boogie!

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