What’s your problem? – 150829

Chelsey, Megan, & Greg getting familiar with burpees.  They might have done one or two of them, this day…


Have you been struggling with achieving something and you’re not seeing the results in your body you have been striving for?

Is it a nutritional thing?  Sleep related?  Stress management related?  Exercise related?  Something deeper seeded, perhaps?  What’s your one [biggest] problem?

It’s easy to get overly engulfed in changing everything all at once just like it’s easy to get overwhelmed in trying to do so.

Try it this way instead:  pick one thing.  ONE THING.  That’s it.  Nothing else.  It doesn’t necessarily HAVE to be your biggest issue but it needs to be something you can work on.

Once you’ve found your one issue that you will work on, then do just that, work on it.  Spend a week or two just working on that.  Don’t change anything else from where you were at when you started.

Once you’ve made this a habit and fully worked into your lifestyle, guess what?  It’s time to pick something else.

A lot of individuals who are working on a goal do so by changing everything all at the same time.  It does work for some and if you’re that some, don’t let anyone stop you.  It blows up in our faces for the rest of us.  Try this simple [not necessarily easy] one thing way.

Pick one and work on it.

Then pick something else and work on that.

Then something else…

…then something else…

Pretty soon, guess what?  You’re going to be where you wanted to be in the first place and it wasn’t by making that gigantic, overwhelming, change my entire lifestyle change.

Go from drinking 2 sodas per day to 1.  Go to sleep 30 minutes or an hour earlier.  Drink an extra glass of water per day.  Add more protein to your diet.  Slowly work out processed carbs.  Whatever it is…

…go get it!



Establish a 3RM Front Squat

*10 minutes to get there



For Time:

800m Row

60 DU’s (120 SU’s)

40 T2B

20 Power Cleans (135/95)

10 Burpees


Find your one barrier, fix it, and move onto the next one.

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